Arthur Carter: Mathematical Beauty The Wadsworth Antheneum

Novemer 17, 2023 - January 14, 2024

Connecticut-based artist Arthur Carter (b. 1931) is a true Renaissance man, at once a pianist, Coast Guard veteran, businessman, publisher, philanthropist, university professor, and sculptor. Inspired by the legacies of Connecticut’s great twentieth-century sculptors Alexander Calder and Alexander Liberman, Carter creates work in the constructivist tradition—sculpture based on a mathematical purity inspired by the great medieval mathematician Fibonacci and the Golden Ratio. From initial drawings made with pencil, compass, and protractor, to small maquettes, and finally large-scale works in welded steel and bronze, Carter’s art is centered on beauty through fitness of proportion, purity of line, and harmony of parts. This exhibition includes a selection of indoor sculptures and two outdoor pieces as well as a newly commissioned video exploring the fabrication of his monumental, welded sculpture.